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how sealants boost childrens defenses against tooth decay

How Sealants Boost Children’s Defenses Against Tooth Decay

One of the less well known ways that a dentist in Forest Lake MN can protect children from tooth decay and cavities is to apply dental sealants. Sealants applied to the fissures and grooves on the biting surface of a child’s molars will prevent food particles, plaque and bacteria from coming into contact with tooth enamel. Since the plaque and bacteria don’t physically touch the tooth — only the intervening sealant — the process of tooth decay does not take place. Given the advantages offered by dental sealants in Forest Lake, we have prepared this brief introduction to their use. (While sealants are available for both children and adults, this article will focus on sealants for children.)

Who is a good candidate for dental sealants?

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that children receive sealants on their permanent molars right after those molars erupt between the age of 6 and 12.

What is involved in applying sealants?

The sealant material itself is a liquid plastic material that is applied painlessly in a single visit. There are five basic steps to every application of sealant on a child’s molars. Applying sealant to a child’s molars is a painless procedure that is accomplished very quickly. The five steps are as follows:

  • A dentist near you will use an explorer to locate grooves in the child’s molars

  • The biting surface of the molars will be roughened using an etching substance to improve adhesion

  • Before any sealant is applied, the molars will be rinsed and dried

  • Your dentist will apply the liquid sealant to the biting surfaces of the molars using a brush

  • In some cases depending on the sealant used for your child’s teeth, the sealant may be exposed to special light to harden and cure it

This might be a good time to answer a very common question: Can my child eat after having her teeth sealed? Yes. As soon as the sealing process is done and your dentist lets you leave the office, your child can eat and drink normally. It’s an ideal time for a low-sugar treat on the way home.

To preserve the protection provided by the sealant, your child should try to avoid biting on hard foods such as ice and candy. Hard items like that can crack the sealant and allow bacteria to reach the tooth through those cracks. The only other steps necessary to preserve the sealant are steps you and your child would take ordinarily: brushing your teeth twice a day for two minutes each time using a toothpaste with fluoride; flossing daily; and attending regular dental checkups twice a year.

At regular checkups going forward, your child’s dentist in Forest Lake MN will inspect the sealant to see if any cracks have formed or if the protection is wearing off as happens quite naturally with time. As required and after consulting with you, the dentist will touch up the sealant to provide ongoing protection from tooth decay.

Obtaining dental sealants near you to protect your child’s molars is an extremely quick, minimally invasive and low effort option for enhancing her defences against tooth decay. As mentioned above, dental sealants are available for teens and adults, not just children. Any time you are interested in obtaining similar protection for yourself or your older children, just let your dentist and their staff know. Dental sealants in Forest Lake can be applied at just about any routine dental check up at a dentist near you. Considering the potentially avoided costs of future dental work to treat tooth decay, it’s definitely a step definitely worth taking.