Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to arrive and usually appear during adolescent years and may create many complications as they erupt through the gum line. Due to such uneasiness, people often opt to remove them. In fact, the extraction of wisdom teeth is the most common dental surgery.
Visit a dentist office near you, if your dentist suggests that it’s time to remove your wisdom teeth. It usually takes up to two weeks to fully recover from wisdom tooth extraction in Forest Lake. Though, there are several easy remedies you can use at home to help speed recovery and ease the pain during the process of healing.
How Long Will It Take to Recover?
Normally it takes up to two weeks to fully recover from wisdom tooth extraction, but if the wounds become infected due to negligence, it may take longer to improve. Usually, a patient should notice gradual recovery over two weeks.
If your surgery involves a general anaesthetic, the dentist will advise you not to drive for 48 hours following the procedure. If you are a student or work, it is a good idea to take off 1-2 days.
Why Are Blood Clots Important?
After the surgery, blood clots start to form over the extraction area. These clots are important as they prevent bleeding, protect the wound from infection, keep the exposed bone safe, and help the tissue to grow.
It is so important not to remove the blood clot, especially during the first 24 hours. You should avoid chewing, consuming hot beverages, brushing your teeth, and rinsing your mouth in order to protect the clot.
What Foods Can I Consume?
You should eat soft or liquid food for a few days after surgery to prevent your wounds from opening, as this will further create severe consequences. Include soup, applesauce, pudding, mashed potatoes, and other soft foods that do not require much effort i.e. chewing in your diet.
In a case where you only had one or two teeth extracted on one side of your mouth, you may be able to chew on the other side after 24 hours. But be careful!
How Can I Reduce the Pain After The Surgery?
You can reduce the pain after the wisdom tooth extraction surgery by:
Using an ice pad: applying an ice pad on your jaw can not only help in reducing pain but will also diminish the swelling. If you do not have an ice pad at home, you can simply wrap the ice cube in a clean cloth and apply it on the affected area.
Painkillers: easily available painkiller medication like ibuprofen can be used to reduce pain and inflammation following your surgery.
When Can I Remove My Stitches?
Sometimes a few stitches are required to heal your wounds, you should visit your doctor after seven days to remove them.
Are There Any Complications to Keep an Eye On?
If you are taking extra care of the extraction site after the surgery, there is very little chance of facing any further complications. But still you should look for:
Infections: There is always a slight chance of infections, which will require you to complete a course of antibiotics.
Dry Sockets: This is a condition in which blood clots do not form on the extracted area, which can also cause infection that will take longer to recover.
While severe complications are rare, you should be in contact with your dentist for the first few weeks following tooth extraction near you.
We provide a full range of dental services, including wisdom tooth extraction and after-care information at our dental clinic in Forest Lake.